Maria Mann

Maria Mann

Maria Mann is an American photojournalism consultant and public speaker based in Portugal. She is a motivational photo coach and mentor.

She is active in photojournalism education, curating exhibits for institutions and conducting workshops and consulting.

She worked for European Pressphoto Agency as senior managing editor and director of international relations, from 2007 to 2019. Previously, she was director of global current events at Corbis Sygma, Paris; director of photography for Agence France-Presse for the Americas and international photo editor-in-chief in Paris.

Maria was the director of the IAPA/Knight Foundation Workshops for Advanced Photojournalism, conducting workshops in Latin America. She has taught in Lithuania, the U.K., World Press in Turkey, U.S. Pentagon Military Workshops and in China.

She also was the editor of a two-year project on Ukraine, exhibited at the EU in Brussels.

Maria worked with the Newseum in Washington, co-curating several exhibits and participating in Newseum televised panels. She was also a member of the National Press Club/Washington international speakers committee. She is co-producer of an e-learning module for the Poynter Institute. Maria co-curated an exhibit for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Geneva. She recently curated a book and exhibit in Portugal titled ‘Estados Desunidos’ (The DisUnited States) and will be curating an upcoming exhibit on the current crisis in Ukraine.

She lectures in universities throughout Europe and the Americas.

Maria has judged photojournalism contests including World Press, Unicef, Bayeux War Correspondents, Pictures of the Year, Xinhua’s CHIPP/China; president of the jury of Estação Imagem in Portugal.