
Alpine Legacy

I do not believe in chance. It was destiny that brought me to Switzerland where I understood that my life’s mission was to create a legacy, that by capturing the snowclad giants of ice I could immortalise our Alpine heritage. The Alps inspire me. They take me to a higher level of consciousness. Capturing the […]

Amor adobe

“Amor adobe” is a photo project that explores the essence of love and life in an adobe house. The series of photos captures the spirit of a couple living in a traditional adobe home, surrounded by nature and community. The goal is to show how love and dedication can create a home that is more […]

The Final Days of Georgian Nomads

Mountainous Adjara is one of the most distinguished regions of Georgia. The traditions and the old ways of life have been preserved to this day in this area. The isolation and alienation of inhabitants of this mountainous area has been an ongoing issue for a long time. Last several decades have been especially difficult for […]


Work about people the three first months of war


Fortune, glory and nuggets: the Sahara desert has become a Far West where thousands of young Africans are rushing tempting their fate and aiming a life-changing breakthrough. A new gold rush, from Sudan to Mauritania, is deeply upsetting the already precarious balance of a region beset by many challenges: military coups, lack of governments, war, […]


What is trauma? Is psychological pain caused by social suffering the same as depression? In this case, what is sick: the context or the person? Can Western-developed concepts and tools used to explain and measure depression distinguish between social misery and clinical depression? We try to describe our psychological experiences in terms that we hope […]

Tropopause: Where the Past and Present Mingle and Meld

In my practice, I seek to create refracted portraits excavated from memory and myth that assert, I am here. Simultaneously expanding and compressing time, the portraits insist on the continuity of presence. In Tropopause, I consider portraiture, identity and time travel through memories and stories. As human beings, we share the fact that we are […]

Crowns, My Hair My Soul My Freedom

Crowns, My Hair My Soul My Freedom is a celebration of the diversity, artistry, and power of black women’s hair. This project is about highlighting the many ways in which black women around the world embrace their freedom of choice and express their creativity through their hair, no matter the style or texture, whether they […]

The Stateless

To illustrate the issue of statelessness affecting about ten million people in the world, I have been documenting several stateless populations in several countries, that demonstrate the breadth of statelessness, the diversity of the people it affects and the range of mechanisms by which it is justified. A “stateless person” is someone who is not […]

Chicago, A Tale of Two Cities

Chicago, A Tale of Two Cities. It is the nature of every true work of art to draw us out of our own world and into its reality. This happens because the world created by the artwork is of course our world, no other, so what the artwork adds to the familiar is the shock […]