Photographer:Simon Murphy
Continent: Europe
Country: United Kingdom
Project Title: Govanhill: A Portrait of Diversity
Project Continent: Europe
Project Country: United Kingdom
Nominated By: Vladimir Karamazov
Seconded By: Ioannis Galanopoulos Papavasileiou

Dubbed Glasgow’s “Ellis Island”, Govanhill has traditionally been a place where immigrants “arrive” in Glasgow and eventually move on from. It is estimated that 88 languages are spoken in the densely populated area of only 0.33 square miles. The place is a mixing pot of cultures and ethnicities. These differences have contributed to tension within the community. People often fear what is unfamiliar to them and worry about how change might impact their own lives but it’s also these cultural differences that help make Govanhill one of the most diverse and exciting places in the city. The project “Govanhill” is a celebration of diversity and humanity. The portraits are composed in a very direct way, often with the subject holding direct eye contact. The message? “This is me, this is who I am, look at me, try to understand me, we are not so different”.


Seamus from the project “Govanhill”. Glasgow, Scotland.


Jim from the project “Govanhill”. Glasgow, Scotland.


Elizabeth from the project “Govanhill”. Glasgow, Scotland.

Edith and Dylan

Edith and Dylan from the project “Govanhill”. Glasgow, Scotland.


Scott from the project “Govanhill”. Glasgow, Scotland.


Paisley from the project “Govanhill”. Glasgow, Scotland.


Eliza from the project “Govanhill”. Glasgow, Scotland.


Gary from the project “Govanhill”. Glasgow, Scotland.

James and Brian

James and Brian from the project “Govanhill”. Glasgow, Scotland.


Dylan from the project “Govanhill”. Glasgow, Scotland.